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Dark Knight Trilogy

Illinois Center Building
Location Pin Chicago, IL

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Dark Knight Trilogy

13. Illinois Center Building
Location Pin Chicago, IL

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After the destruction of his seventh generation family home, Wayne Manor, Bruce Wayne seeks residence in an upscale penthouse in The Dark Knight. This period in the film relates to the comics when Batman spends his days in the penthouse atop Wayne Tower, later passing it on to his successor, Robin. Going outside the realm of a comfortable penthouse, filmmaker Nolan turns the entire lobby of the Illinois Center into the main living area of Bruce's new temporary abode. The Illinois Center consists of five office buildings and two hotels that are interconnected by a three level street system lined with shops and restaurants overlooking the Chicago River. Depicting the area where Bruce held Harvey Dent's fundraiser, the windows were covered the with green screens to be able to implement a Gotham city backdrop. The devastating arrival of the Joker turns the mood from hopeful optimism to somber horror in an instant. Reacting quickly, The Batman secures Harvey Dent and briefly leaves Rachel to handle the Jokers insanity. It is here that Bruce returns to grieve the loss of his childhood friend, Rachel, and where Alfred makes the decision to burn Rachel's last words instead of sinking Bruce deeper into his guilt.

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