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Filming Locations of Harry Potter

Gloucester Cathedral
Location Pin London, England

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Filming Locations of Harry Potter

24. Gloucester Cathedral
Location Pin London, England

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The corridors that lead to the Gryffindor House of Hogwarts, and in which the lady in the oil painting requests a password for admittance, is in real life the intricately-vaulted cloisters of the Gloucester Cathedral, dating back to the year 678 when an abbey was formed and dedicated to St. Peter. Interestingly, the cathedral has one stained glass window depicting people playing golf. It is the earliest known image of the activity, predating Scotland's early images by more than 300 years, dating to around 1350. The core of the cathedral is in the Norman style, but the many additions feature nearly every style of Gothic architecture imaginable. The impressive central tower, rising 225 feet into the air, was erected in the 15th century and features four delicate pinnacles that have become a famous landmark. Its most notable monument is a canopied shrine devoted to King Edward II who was murdered at nearby Berkeley Castle.

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